Sunday, January 2, 2011

Baby Bear Jesus

As a wedding present from one of my besties, we received the cutest nativity set. All of the characters are bears dressed up as the wise men, angel, Mary, Joseph, a camel, a sheep, and of course, baby Jesus. I have had the set sitting out since the day after Thanksgiving, so it's not like it's a novelty to the dogs at this point. However, we came home last night to find baby bear Jesus in the middle of the living room floor, chewed up! (Now, I knew at once which dog had done the crime...the only chewer in our family as of late is the oh-so-precious Freida.... but my honey wouldn't hear of it. "We have no proof it was her!", he shouted.) In order to appease him, I took each dog to the nativity set and did a firm "No no!" to show them that it was off limits. My two dogs looked at me like I was an idiot, whereas Freida kept averting her gaze and trying to pull away (see? guilty!).
I went upstairs to put on my pjs, when I heard a clunk on the hallway floor. I went to the hall to see what it was, and there she is, baby bear Jesus on the floor underneath her! I screamed at Freida as she took off down the stairs, me chasing her through the house, swatting at her the whole way. She skittered over those wood floors, tail between her legs and a panicked look in her eyes.
It does remind me of a time (pre-Molly, when Milo used to nibble at things every now and again) that I was convinced that Milo, our hound, was racist. (Again with a nativity set, too!) Every day that I came home from work, I would find the black sheep of my traditional nativity set somewhere on the floor, under the futon, or in another room entirely. No matter where I put the black sheep, he would gently reach in and grab just that one! I watched him do it several times (swatting obviously followed) but he never stopped. This year, my nativity is up high (and no, this is not segregation) in order to protect the little fellow from this obvious hate crime. Apparently my bears will have to be elevated as well (doesn't Freida realize Christmas is about the birth, not the crucifixion?).


  1. I still don't think we can single any one dog out. Maybe fred was bringing it up to protect it...

  2. Hey, you signed on!! congratulations:) And I think by the scared run she took after that, it proves her guilt.
