Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Today my parents came into town. They're helping us install our bathroom... which should be interesting, because my husband lacks patience at times when it comes to household projects. However, my dad is the most patient person on the face of the planet. So when these two dichotomies collide, I want a front-row seat:) As one is throwing hammers, the other will be bent in prayer. My husband will be grunting and yelling at the first sign of a glitch, while my dad rubs his chin and gives a thoughtful sigh.
Perhaps I'm being too critical and jumping to conclusions too quickly. I will gladly eat my words if my husband manages to make it through this week without taking a fit... and I will recant this message immediately and re-write a proudly stated review of his ability to remain calm in the face of remodeling (and the funny part will be when I'M the one losing my mind over the entire event)! To Be Continued...

1 comment:

  1. Day one 2 pm so far so good as I witness totally calmness....we will keep ya posted :-)This is mom but it shows up as Shiv's post cause I'm on her computer.
