With my family in town, part of our relaxation after a long day enjoys ice cream, playing games, and watching movies. So after Day 2 of Project Full Bath, we sat down with ice cream (I DID get my husband's favorite kind as to ease the blow of game play) and a nice board game. How were we to know that the game was going go on and on due to no one answering questions correcly?
So my poor man (refusing to go to bed, even after given permission) hung in there, choosing the oddest answers possible, and sabatoging my game play at any chance he got. Passive aggression at its finest, but I have to give the non-game-liking man credit for hanging in there for the full hour. Maybe tomorrow night I can rope him into a chick flick.....
Yes hubby was a good sport; but he was simply enduring more than enjoying I think; thus why when picking a mood for him; your dad and I chose bored and tired; it just seemed appropriate given the present circumstance...but still fun.